Numerous troops of Chacma baboons live in the Singita region but the resident troop of Singita lodge stands out amongst the rest. Cavorting in the treetops, playing in the riverbeds and taking it easy the resident troop of Singita Lodge appear to be living the good life. Alliances within the troop are constantly changing and relationships between adults and youngsters alike are futile but with ample food on the ground below and a safe haven from predators in the trees above- the baboon troop of Singita Lodge is thriving.
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From lush grasslands to sparse deserts, from predatory sharks to giraffes and lions, Wild Nature's documentaries exploring the wonders and the dangers nature has to offer.
From lush grasslands to sparse deserts, from predatory sharks to giraffes and lions, Wild Nature's documentaries exploring the wonders and the dangers nature has to offer.
Africa is a land of giants. Its mighty rivers sculpt the earth and form impressive valleys and waterways home to many imposing and powerful inhabitants. These are the rivers where massive elephants and hippos live, feed and drink, and ancient crocodiles hunt and breed. They share the rivers with porcupines, the martial eagle, and the leopard.
Hop on a high-speed endurance adventure through one of the harshest environments on Earth. Glyn Maude follows a family of brown hyenas in Botswana's desolate saltpans of the Makgadikgadi.
Lions, cheetahs and leopards: each cat has its own special hunting strategies, family upbringing and survival techniques. We focus on their behaviour and competitive interaction in our quest to find out who the ultimate predator is in the daunting wilderness of Africa. We follow their lives as they play out like a game of chance.
The complex dynamics between predator and prey are carefully examined through the use of modern technology. Prey are constantly finding new ways to avoid being eaten by predators it is thus crucial for the predators survival that he too finds mechanisms to outsmart his prey- it's an ever-evolving world on the African Savannah. This show examines this evolutionary process - are predators today fitter, faster and stronger than their predecessors? What gives one animal the edge over another? And how much of the animals behavior is instinctive and how much is learnt? It's a fine balance out on the Savannah grasslands- a world that demands the very best from predator and prey.
John Varty, Gillian van Houten and Elmon Mhlongo track the secret life of a Leopard called Lula. They diaries the birth of her cubs, her triumphant hunts and her interactions with other lethal predators.
Hyena: the great opportunist looks at this super predator's social life and hunting ways and explains why they have often been so wrongly perceived. The Spotted Hyena has managed to hold its own amongst a savage world of competitive predators- but how does it achieve such a high status? The answer lies in its adaptability, family structure, physiology, and opportunistic behaviour. Second, only to the lion, the hyena dominates all other predators out on the African plains- obtaining meat while the opportunity exists is this bear-like scavenger's top priority.
Fast and efficient, an ocean legion is on the move. Growing in momentum, single pods congregate to find food. Combining in battalions over 3000 strong, this is the Dolphin Army. Filmed over 3 years during the spectacular Sardine Run along the eastern coast of South Africa, Peter Lamberti and his team have filmed one of the fastest predators in the ocean - the Common Dolphin. Using advanced underwater technology, they follow a small group of female dolphins as they battle shark threats, raise their calves and journey towards the greatest feeding opportunity in the ocean.
The annual sardine migration up the eastern coast of South Africa creates a moving feast of billions of tiny fish for one of the most diverse shark populations on the planet.
‘n Boeiende blik na ‘n trop van wildehonde, vanaf die geboorte van ‘n werpsel tot grootword, jag, speel en interaksie met mekaar. Die teenspoed en trofeë van ontmoetings met roofdiere en prooi in die Afrika bosveld.
On Botswana's Savuti Channel, two armies wage war. The Duma Tau wild dog pack and the Savuti hyena clan compete savagely for territory and prey to rear the next generation of warriors. These rivals must also cope with a scavenging resident jackal and their common enemy: the Selinda Lion pride. Then after twenty-five years of drought, heavy rains from Angola flood the battleground, and crocodiles arrive to seize the flowing channel. Old strategies fail, and now hunters must adapt or fall in defeat. Watch as predators confront each other, aggressive elephants, cheeky baboons and daring buffalos all to provide meals for their growing youngsters and to protect them from harm. The wild dogs struggle to overcome their fear of crocodiles while the hyenas take their stamina driven hunts to the water with ease. In an unprecedented epic finale, three wild dogs and a hyena work together as a team to make a kill. This stunning show of cooperation sees these arch-enemies feasting together - but for how long? Their truce is short-lived as they continue to fight for their survival on the Savuti Predator Battleground.
Hierdie is die dramatiese en indrukwekende storie van die Afrika renoster se veg vir oorlewing, nie net teen die mens nie, maar ook teen ‘n onverwagte vyand – olifante.
Op Botswana se Linyanti-vlakte heers 'n groep broers onder die top roofdiere. Drie jagluiperds: vennote sedert geboorte, en een van die doeltreffendste jagkragte op die vlaktes.
The world's tropical waters are inhabited by a fish that dwarfs all others, yet the tiniest creatures fuel it. The whale shark spends its life pursuing rich upwellings of microscopic plankton. Off the east coast of Africa, the warm currents of the Indian Ocean carry with them a seemingly infinite supply of food. Each year, with the onset of spring, the gentle giants leave the equatorial waters of Seychelles and follow these currents southwards, on a remarkable journey, unique in nature, thousands of miles along the ocean's highways. Our story follows one whale shark on its trip to the southernmost tip of the continent to unravel the mystery of the whale shark's incredible journey.
Life is hard for inhabitants of Luangwa valley during the dry season with intense competition for food and water supplies dangerously low as well as outwitting their predators.
‘n Storie van oorlewing teen alle verwagtinge in een van die wêreld se mees vyandige omgewings.
White lions are rarer than the legendary snow leopard of the Himalayas, and they occur naturally in only one place on earth, The Timbavati Reserve in South Africa. Their future as a wild species is now questionable, but people are trying to change this. Linda Tucker, head of the Global White Lion Protection Trust, a carefully planned release project is underway to see the first four white lions return to the wilds of Timbavati.
Leeus, jagluiperds en luiperds: hulle het hul eie jagstrategieë, opvoeding en oorlewingstegnieke ontwikkel. Ons ondersoek hul gedrag en mededingende interaksie om uit te vind wie die uiteindelike jagter is.
Die riviere van Afrika bring lewe maar hulle kan ook die arena wees vir van die natuur se grootste uitdagings.
Set in the spectacular Masai Mara, Kenya, this classic film follows two of Africa's greatest big cats, the Cheetah and the Leopard, as they raise their cubs in the beautiful but often harsh natural world of Africa. Teaching their cubs to hunt and fend for themselves, we witness some spectacular events as the cubs watch and try to mimic their mothers, joining in the hunt until they reach independence.
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