Numerous troops of Chacma baboons live in the Singita region but the resident troop of Singita lodge stands out amongst the rest. Cavorting in the treetops, playing in the riverbeds and taking it easy the resident troop of Singita Lodge appear to be living the good life. Alliances within the troop are constantly changing and relationships between adults and youngsters alike are futile but with ample food on the ground below and a safe haven from predators in the trees above- the baboon troop of Singita Lodge is thriving.
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From lush grasslands to sparse deserts, from predatory sharks to giraffes and lions, Wild Nature's documentaries exploring the wonders and the dangers nature has to offer.
From lush grasslands to sparse deserts, from predatory sharks to giraffes and lions, Wild Nature's documentaries exploring the wonders and the dangers nature has to offer.
Op Botswana se Linyanti-vlakte heers 'n groep broers onder die top roofdiere. Drie jagluiperds: vennote sedert geboorte, en een van die doeltreffendste jagkragte op die vlaktes.
A Documentary of Love, Family and Future As humans continually close off their hearts and empathy - elephants are now just showing us how to truly love and forgive. The heart of the elephant is a story of wonder woven together from a tapestry of eye-witness accounts and scientific proof of these gentle giants' intelligence and undeniable emotional capacity, which is far more powerful than we ever acknowledged.
For generations, lions have ruled over the Londolozi region of Mpumalanga but one brotherhood reigns supreme: a coalition of two brothers descendent from a long dynasty. To get to the top they have hunted, fought and won many battles. This show follows this Brotherhood as they conquer prides, kill rivals and continue their bloodline guaranteeing their genes are firmly entrenched in future generations to come.
Once found all over Africa, indiscriminate hunting and enthusiasm for decorative rhino-horn daggers has led to near extinction for the black rhino. Thanks to the passage of tight legislation and the rise of vigilant protection, black rhino numbers are finally rising. This film documents efforts at Tanzania's Mkomazi Game Reserve.
In the foothills of the Himalayas mountains in Pakistan, a remarkable conservation project is underway. The Himalayan Wildlife Project with help from renowned conservationists from South Africa sets out to save the critically endangered Himalayan Brown Bear.
‘n Storie van oorlewing teen alle verwagtinge in een van die wêreld se mees vyandige omgewings.
Witness a remarkable coming-of-age story as we track a young leopard's journey from rookie to royalty in South Africa's lethal Big Five landscape. When we first meet Jack, he's clumsy, fearful, and weak, but he's a fast learner - and he'll need to be. He's destined for a showdown with the area's current leopard monarch, an alpha male with a real mean streak. We follow Jack as he hones his skills and builds up muscle for the ultimate catfight. It's a battle where only the winner will walk out alive.
Set in the spectacular Masai Mara, Kenya, this classic film follows two of Africa's greatest big cats, the Cheetah and the Leopard, as they raise their cubs in the beautiful but often harsh natural world of Africa. Teaching their cubs to hunt and fend for themselves, we witness some spectacular events as the cubs watch and try to mimic their mothers, joining in the hunt until they reach independence.
In Southern Africa, one of the most significant elephant translocation projects in history is about to get underway. One thousand elephants must be moved from the overpopulated Kruger National Park in South Africa into neighbouring Mozambique and the newly created Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Park. Even the world's most experienced elephant capture crew finds the prospect overwhelming, and the project is fraught with dangers, mishaps and seriously close brushes with death. If the team succeeds, they will have contributed to creating the world's largest wildlife sanctuary and a new home for Africa's endangered elephants.
Thirst overcomes the hordes of Wildebeest and Zebra moving through Kenya's Masai Mara game reserve on their spectacular annual migration. With the cycle of the seasons comes the dry months, the water of the marsh receded. Now the residents of the marsh face a time of hardship, food will be scarce, until the next rains fall.
200km from the southernmost point of Africa, where the water is chilly and harsh, runs the Breede River. Recently, reports have been made of a massive creature living in the river. Fish are being taken off fisherman's lines - but with a curious and sickening twist. Only the bodies are taken: the heads are being left intact. The picture that sends aquatic ecologist Andy Coetzee off on the quest shows the head of large kob that has clearly had its body ripped off by something even larger. With shark hunter and expert fisherman Hennie Papenfuss at his side, Andy sets out to discover the truth behind the tales and exactly what the monster could be. Following the science and the rumours, this dramatic aquatic adventure joins Andy on a journey that follows the coastline of South Africa from north to south, and the sharks who are in turn following the fish.
The Sardine Run - One of the most spectacular marine wildlife events in the world. Millions of sardines swim along the South coast of Africa pursued by thousands of dolphins, countless sharks and gannets, all competing for nature's bounty. Meanwhile, every fisherman on the south coast of Africa also races to exploit the generosity of this vast ocean. This action packed, visually spectacular film follows the passionate quest of director / cameraman, Peter Lamberti, and his dedicated crew as they chase the sardines racing along South Africa's Wild Coast shadowed by an assortment of predators. Sharks, dolphins, seals, gannets and many other animals join this gala, frantic to indulge in the great feast. Whales, sharks and game fish compete to keep up with this moving buffet. Inadvertently, the various predators start to act cooperatively. Copper sharks and Common dolphins team up, herding the shoals close to the surface, making it easier for the seabirds to plunge in and take their share. From the air and from below, the hunt is on. For the local Shark's Board it is a particularly tense time, having to remove the shark nets from the sea to avoid shark and dolphin casualties. As the sardines head up the coastline the action intensifies, on the Natal Coast humans join in the attack. Fishermen and local inhabitants wait all year for this bonanza. As the nets are hauled up on the beach, the frenzy continues with onlookers grabbing handfuls, stuffing fish in bags and pockets. Etiquette forgotten, fights break out as the people grapple with each other to seize as many fish as possible. The sensational under water footage of "The Greatest Shoal on Earth" reveals one of the most incredible spectacles of the planet's oceans .
The world's tropical waters are inhabited by a fish that dwarfs all others, yet the tiniest creatures fuel it. The whale shark spends its life pursuing rich upwellings of microscopic plankton. Off the east coast of Africa, the warm currents of the Indian Ocean carry with them a seemingly infinite supply of food. Each year, with the onset of spring, the gentle giants leave the equatorial waters of Seychelles and follow these currents southwards, on a remarkable journey, unique in nature, thousands of miles along the ocean's highways. Our story follows one whale shark on its trip to the southernmost tip of the continent to unravel the mystery of the whale shark's incredible journey.
The Swamp Pride is on its knees. Its mighty male was killed by poachers, leaving three mothers and their cubs defenseless in one of the toughest landscapes for a lion in Africa.
In die vlak, donker waters langs die kus van Suidelike Afrika skuil ‘n roofdier wie se onbevraagde superioriteit vrees en fasinasie inspireer al vir duisende jare. Normaalweg ‘n oseaan besoeker is die Zambesihaai bekend dat hy al meer as ‘n 1000km in varswater in van die wêreld se grootste riviere – die Mekong, die Ganges, die Mississippi – op geswem het, wat hom sy plaaslike naam, die Zambesihaai gegee het.
Twee gewone mans met 'n buitengewone passie vir avontuur en vir haaie! Hul vriende dink hulle is 'n bietjie mal - maar hul vennootskap het van die mooiste onderwaterbeelde opgelewer wat al gesien is.
Miljoene sardientjies swem langs die suidelike kus van Afrika, gevolg deur duisende dolfyne, ontelbare haaie en Witmalgas voels, almal will meeding in die natuur se oorvloed.
Powerful. Deadly. Elusive. Manana is a wild leopard. She could kill a man with ease. Yet besides her sits JV, unarmed and unharmed no bars, no cage. She gently brushes past him, almost touching. Today she will allow him to join her as a hunter, a privilege rarely bestowed on fellow leopards, let alone a human. John Varty, wildlife cameraman, has a unique friendship with this wild cat and has gained access to the mysterious world of one of nature's most enigmatic animals.
John Varty, Gillian van Houten and Elmon Mhlongo track the secret life of a Leopard called Lula. They diaries the birth of her cubs, her triumphant hunts and her interactions with other lethal predators.
Their precision teamwork ensures that the hunts of this cheetah family almost always results in a kill - until tragedy strikes, and Achilles, their leader, is killed by a cobra. The remaining brothers have to fend for themselves, outwit their enemies, and find a way to survive in the unforgiving African wilderness. Have they acquired the necessary skills to make it on their own?
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