Hop on a high-speed endurance adventure through one of the harshest environments on Earth. Glyn Maude follows a family of brown hyenas in Botswana's desolate saltpans of the Makgadikgadi.
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With summer temperatures in excess of 50.c - and surrounded by 12,000 square kilometers of bare, white, alkaline mud - Bom's mother, Venus, has to establish a territory, bring up her cubs and endure the extremes of a relentless, vicious winter to a hot, generous summer. Shy, solitary and almost completely nocturnal the hyenas are perfectly adapted to this harsh environment. Our researcher has also adapted to this inhospitable environment using a four wheel drive quad bike fitted with a steel cage, which saves Glyn's life when he is ambushed by lions during his night drives. He searches around the salt plains, keeping up with the remarkable wildlife of this unique ecosystem.
With summer temperatures in excess of 50.c - and surrounded by 12,000 square kilometers of bare, white, alkaline mud - Bom's mother, Venus, has to establish a territory, bring up her cubs and endure the extremes of a relentless, vicious winter to a hot, generous summer. Shy, solitary and almost completely nocturnal the hyenas are perfectly adapted to this harsh environment. Our researcher has also adapted to this inhospitable environment using a four wheel drive quad bike fitted with a steel cage, which saves Glyn's life when he is ambushed by lions during his night drives. He searches around the salt plains, keeping up with the remarkable wildlife of this unique ecosystem.
In a land reduced to sand and water, every day is a struggle for survival. But one creature has conquered these two elements: crocodiles have learned to thrive.
Twee gewone mans met 'n buitengewone passie vir avontuur en vir haaie! Hul vriende dink hulle is 'n bietjie mal - maar hul vennootskap het van die mooiste onderwaterbeelde opgelewer wat al gesien is.
At Londolozi Game Reserve they experience a close interrelationship with the animals and this is the window which allows them into the secret life of the magnificent Leopard Lula.
Life is hard for inhabitants of Luangwa valley during the dry season with intense competition for food and water supplies dangerously low as well as outwitting their predators.
Whether you're a wildlife cameraman or a tourist on safari, catching nature's finest moments on camera means being at the right place at the right time.
Africa's Deadly Kingdom delves deep into the complex lives of the continent's most remarkable species and their never-ending struggles to survive.
Once found all over Africa, indiscriminate hunting and enthusiasm for decorative rhino-horn daggers has led to near extinction for the black rhino. Thanks to the passage of tight legislation and the rise of vigilant protection, black rhino numbers are finally rising. This film documents efforts at Tanzania's Mkomazi Game Reserve.
Africa's Deadly Kingdom delves deep into the complex lives of the continent's most remarkable species and their never-ending struggles to survive.
Groot nommers van seekoeie is besig om dood te gaan en hulle karkasse word al langs die rivier gevind tot die genot van die krokodille. Wat is die oorsaak van hierdie ongewone sterftes?
Half-Tusk is the matriarch of a small family group of warthogs and has recently given birth to this season's litter, three tiny females. Half-Tusk has never raised an entire litter to adulthood. But past tragedy has made her strong. Three powerful enemies have killed half her brood four years in a row: through a series of powerful flashbacks, we watch the successful attacks of Lion, Leopard and Cheetah and understand what's at stake for Half-Tusk this year. This year Half-Tusk manages to foil each new attack and keep her three young daughters safe; until one night when the family is split between two different burrows, Leopard takes advantage and steals a baby away. It's one of the harsh lessons her youngsters must learn. Half-Tusk cannot be there all the time or anticipate every possible danger, and as they grow, they will have to face challenges alone. But her care and leadership have given her youngsters the best start in life. It's the gift of every good mother.
The rivers of Africa bring life and abundance to their inhabitants, but they can also be the arena for some of nature's greatest challenges and dramas. Harsh seasonal cycles dictate life - and death - along the rivers. Only the fittest survive crossing the crocodile-infested Mara, the extreme drought of the Luangwa Valley or any of the many other perils harboured by waterways all over the continent. Africa's Rivers is a predator's world with cunning and opportunistic hunters of all sizes lurking in the waters or prowling the banks.
JV and Gillian are given the task of reintroducing three magnificent cheetahs- two of which are the rare King Cheetah- back into their natural surroundings. JV and Gillian document and share their story as they follow the lives of the three cub's journey from cub to adulthood in the Tswalu reserve. We follow all the trials and tribulations as the young cubs navigate their new world and learn to survive in their desert home. Filled with hope and heartbreak it's a gripping tale in which we witness the extraordinary return of the Kings.
Their precision teamwork ensures that the hunts of this cheetah family almost always results in a kill - until tragedy strikes, and Achilles, their leader, is killed by a cobra. The remaining brothers have to fend for themselves, outwit their enemies, and find a way to survive in the unforgiving African wilderness. Have they acquired the necessary skills to make it on their own?
Leeus, jagluiperds en luiperds: hulle het hul eie jagstrategieë, opvoeding en oorlewingstegnieke ontwikkel. Ons ondersoek hul gedrag en mededingende interaksie om uit te vind wie die uiteindelike jagter is.
On the northern bank of the Sand River in the Mala-Mala Game Reserve in South Africa, seven magnificent creatures reside in an area the size of Manhattan island. Over the next 24-hours, we’ll witness the Buffalo as a formidable, tough character that relies on teamwork to stay alive. The Lions’ strength lies in his physique and their tendency to hang together, while the Cheetah is the king of speed. The Rhino is an armoured knight that won’t back down. The Leopard relies on stealth and stays out of the way of its nemesis, the Hyena, who takes every opportunity as the master scavenger. The Elephant is the gentle giant that can and does rely on brute force when threatened.
The Marsh Pride resides in the Musiara Marsh for most of the year but may move further north into the Mara North Conservancy when the Reserve's long grass leads to a scarcity of prey. The Marsh Pride is perhaps the most famous in the Masai Mara National Reserve.
Africa's Deadly Kingdom delves deep into the complex lives of the continent's most remarkable species and their never-ending struggles to survive.
This is the story of Ella Addison, an extraordinary 12-year-old girl who swims with sharks. It is a family tradition. But something strange is happening around her Shark Rock playground. Blacktip sharks are multiplying, and tiger sharks are disappearing. Curious by nature, Ella starts a school project to solve this mystery. Usually, blacktips migrate to Shark Rock for the sardine run and then move on. But in recent years, they are staying put, which means tiger sharks are being forced out. So, where do the blacktips come from? Jessica Escobar, a feisty Columbian marine biologist, doing her doctoral thesis on blacktips, and Ella makes a formidable team. While Jessica compiles and analysis the genetic information, Ella compiles a visual diary of her dives on Shark Rock to present to her school.
200km from the southernmost point of Africa, where the water is chilly and harsh, runs the Breede River. Recently, reports have been made of a massive creature living in the river. Fish are being taken off fisherman's lines - but with a curious and sickening twist. Only the bodies are taken: the heads are being left intact. The picture that sends aquatic ecologist Andy Coetzee off on the quest shows the head of large kob that has clearly had its body ripped off by something even larger. With shark hunter and expert fisherman Hennie Papenfuss at his side, Andy sets out to discover the truth behind the tales and exactly what the monster could be. Following the science and the rumours, this dramatic aquatic adventure joins Andy on a journey that follows the coastline of South Africa from north to south, and the sharks who are in turn following the fish.
Lions, cheetahs and leopards: each cat has its own special hunting strategies, family upbringing and survival techniques. We focus on their behaviour and competitive interaction in our quest to find out who the ultimate predator is in the daunting wilderness of Africa. We follow their lives as they play out like a game of chance.
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