Die riviere van Afrika bring lewe maar hulle kan ook die arena wees vir van die natuur se grootste uitdagings.
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Die riviere van Afrika bring lewe maar hulle kan ook die arena wees vir van die natuur se grootste uitdagings. Rowwe seisoens veranderinge dikteer die verloop van lewe en dood langs die riviere. Net die sterkste oorleef die krokodil besmette Mara, die uiterste droogte van die Luangwa Vallei of enige van die vele ander gevare in riviere oral oor die kontinent.
Die riviere van Afrika bring lewe maar hulle kan ook die arena wees vir van die natuur se grootste uitdagings. Rowwe seisoens veranderinge dikteer die verloop van lewe en dood langs die riviere. Net die sterkste oorleef die krokodil besmette Mara, die uiterste droogte van die Luangwa Vallei of enige van die vele ander gevare in riviere oral oor die kontinent.
Set in the spectacular Masai Mara, Kenya, this classic film follows two of Africa's greatest big cats, the Cheetah and the Leopard, as they raise their cubs in the beautiful but often harsh natural world of Africa. Teaching their cubs to hunt and fend for themselves, we witness some spectacular events as the cubs watch and try to mimic their mothers, joining in the hunt until they reach independence.
The world's tropical waters are inhabited by a fish that dwarfs all others, yet the tiniest creatures fuel it. The whale shark spends its life pursuing rich upwellings of microscopic plankton. Off the east coast of Africa, the warm currents of the Indian Ocean carry with them a seemingly infinite supply of food. Each year, with the onset of spring, the gentle giants leave the equatorial waters of Seychelles and follow these currents southwards, on a remarkable journey, unique in nature, thousands of miles along the ocean's highways. Our story follows one whale shark on its trip to the southernmost tip of the continent to unravel the mystery of the whale shark's incredible journey.
Die wêreld se tropiese waters word bewoon deur 'n vis wat alle ander verdwerg, maar tog maak die kleinste wesens dit brandstof. Die walvishaai bestee sy lewe aan ryk opgraderings van mikroskopiese plankton. Aan die ooskus van Afrika dra die warm strome van die Indiese Oseaan 'n oënskynlik oneindige voedselvoorraad saam. Met die aanvang van die lente verlaat die sagte reuse elke jaar die ekwatoriale waters van die Seychelle en volg hierdie strome suidwaarts, op 'n merkwaardige reis, uniek in die natuur, duisende kilometers ver langs die snelweë van die oseaan. Ons verhaal volg op een walvishaai op reis na die mees suidelike punt van die kontinent om die raaisel van die walvishaai se ongelooflike reis te ontrafel.
This is the story of a courageous little seal who braves the ocean and all its perils - a real adventurer at heart who leaves the colony to follow one of the greatest migrations on Earth - the Sardine Run. Each year millions upon millions of sardines leave the waters off the southern tip of Africa to move en masse up the east coast of South Africa. They follow the cool winter currents for almost 1000 kilometres. For the sardines it's a perilous journey - their migration awakens a great following of formidable predators that attack from sea and air. Huge flocks of Cape gannets pursue the great shoals while thousands of dolphins strike relentlessly from the surface and hundreds of sharks mount the attack from the depths. Among the predators, there are a few adventurous seals that join this frenzied journey. To this day, what makes a seal embark on the sardine run remains a mystery.
Lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyaenas, wild dogs, and crocodiles are extraordinary scenes of super predators hunting. Over three years, the Super Predators were filmed at Londolozi Game Reserve in South Africa and on Kenya's Masai Mara. It captures some of the most extraordinary scenes ever seen on film of these super predators hunting and killing. Dramatic slow-motion action replays allow the viewer to observe all the subtleties of these magnificent hunters in action. The film includes a plea for the world's most notorious predator, man, to work in closer partnership with nature for our mutual benefit and survival.
In a land reduced to sand and water, every day is a struggle for survival. But one creature has conquered these two elements: crocodiles have learned to thrive.
The Swamp Pride is on its knees. Its mighty male was killed by poachers, leaving three mothers and their cubs defenseless in one of the toughest landscapes for a lion in Africa.
Fast and efficient, an ocean legion is on the move. Growing in momentum, single pods congregate to find food. Combining in battalions over 3000 strong, this is the Dolphin Army. Filmed over 3 years during the spectacular Sardine Run along the eastern coast of South Africa, Peter Lamberti and his team have filmed one of the fastest predators in the ocean - the Common Dolphin. Using advanced underwater technology, they follow a small group of female dolphins as they battle shark threats, raise their calves and journey towards the greatest feeding opportunity in the ocean.
‘n Boeiende blik na ‘n trop van wildehonde, vanaf die geboorte van ‘n werpsel tot grootword, jag, speel en interaksie met mekaar. Die teenspoed en trofeë van ontmoetings met roofdiere en prooi in die Afrika bosveld.
For millions of years, the annual migration in the Masai Mara has survived everything that the natural world has thrown at it. Wildebeest, Zebra and countless other species set off on this journey of enormous proportions to reach the greener grasses thousands of miles away. But the treacherous journey is filled with hardship and the ever-present threat of being ambushed by hungry predators. Crossing the Mara River will be one of the mega herds biggest challenges, with crocodiles and lions eagerly awaiting the infamous paradise crossing. It's a bloodbath like no other, and only the lucky will make it to the greener pastures on the other side.
Lazy relatives. Jealous neighbours. Runaway kids. The everyday troubles of one family - except this family is a pride of lions. Shot over three years during the most extreme seasonal changes in Africa, the film follows Mfumu - the pride's leader - as he struggles to defend his turf and his mate Chipazuwa as she tries to produce offspring. Among the threats is a river infested with crocodiles that have taken every litter of cubs -- and a rival male is bent on taking over the pride.
Two of Africa's 'savannah giants'- one a predator and one a bovine are on a collision course of epic proportions. An injured buffalo is one of Africa's most dangerous animals but for the lions of the Savannah taking down buffalo is in their genes. One wrong move and the hunter could become the hunted- it's a constant war between predator and prey and every day is a continuous battle for survival out here in the African Savannah.
Twee gewone mans met 'n buitengewone passie vir avontuur en vir haaie! Hul vriende dink hulle is 'n bietjie mal - maar hul vennootskap het van die mooiste onderwaterbeelde opgelewer wat al gesien is.
Africa's might and grandeur are formidable. Here, two powerful empires co-exist, one of land and one of the water realm. For most of the year, these two enemies work peaceably side by side, but in the dry season, the rules change. The dry season is predator prime-time. The shore of the Luangwa River, Zambia, is the boundary between kingdoms and during this time, the battle begins. It's risky business for a lion to go up against a crocodile. But here, it's the ultimate conflict. Some of nature's most powerful jaws lock in confrontation as the world's fiercest predators battle for supremacy.
In this episode of Aerial Africa, we fly over to the magnificent Kruger Park for a trip through its remarkable history and celebrate its 100 years of conservation. Where nearly 2 million hectares of unrivalled diversity of life forms fuse with historical and archaeological sights - this is real Africa. The world-renowned Kruger National Park offers a wildlife experience that ranks among the best in Africa, and we showcase its stories and history from the air.
Their precision teamwork ensures that the hunts of this cheetah family almost always results in a kill - until tragedy strikes, and Achilles, their leader, is killed by a cobra. The remaining brothers have to fend for themselves, outwit their enemies, and find a way to survive in the unforgiving African wilderness. Have they acquired the necessary skills to make it on their own?
In the foothills of the Himalayas mountains in Pakistan, a remarkable conservation project is underway. The Himalayan Wildlife Project with help from renowned conservationists from South Africa sets out to save the critically endangered Himalayan Brown Bear.
Africa's Deadly Kingdom delves deep into the complex lives of the continent's most remarkable species and their never-ending struggles to survive.
On Zambia's Liuwa Plains, two star-crossed spotted hyenas begin their lives. A little female we have named Nasanta, and a male we named Twaambo, are born to warring rival clans. In the female-dominated hierarchy of spotted hyena society, males are doomed to harassment, abuse and rejection by their clan; whilst females fight for rank in a comparatively charmed existence. We watch as Twaambo and Nasanta, grow up worlds apart because of this unique dynamic, as their clan's struggle for food and territory in the extreme Liuwa environment. Desperate drought, raging fires, relentless flooding and territorial warfare are just a few of the challenges Twaambo and Nasanta's clans must overcome, as the cubs grow to adulthood in the Realm of the Bonecrusher's.
In die vlak, donker waters langs die kus van Suidelike Afrika skuil ‘n roofdier wie se onbevraagde superioriteit vrees en fasinasie inspireer al vir duisende jare. Normaalweg ‘n oseaan besoeker is die Zambesihaai bekend dat hy al meer as ‘n 1000km in varswater in van die wêreld se grootste riviere – die Mekong, die Ganges, die Mississippi – op geswem het, wat hom sy plaaslike naam, die Zambesihaai gegee het.
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