Afrika is ‘n land van reuse. Sy kragtige riviere kerf die aarde en vorm indrukwekkende valleie en waterwieë wat ‘n tuiste is vir menigte treffende en magtige inwoners. Hierdie is die riviere waar reusagtige olifante en seekoeie bly, eet en drink, en waar antieke krokodille jag en voorplant. Hulle deel die riviere met ystervarke, die breëkoparend, en die luiperd.
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Afrika is ‘n land van reuse. Sy kragtige riviere kerf die aarde en vorm indrukwekkende valleie en waterwieë wat ‘n tuiste is vir menigte treffende en magtige inwoners. Hierdie is die riviere waar reusagtige olifante en seekoeie bly, eet en drink, en waar antieke krokodille jag en voorplant. Hulle deel die riviere met ystervarke, die breëkoparend, en die luiperd.
Afrika is ‘n land van reuse. Sy kragtige riviere kerf die aarde en vorm indrukwekkende valleie en waterwieë wat ‘n tuiste is vir menigte treffende en magtige inwoners. Hierdie is die riviere waar reusagtige olifante en seekoeie bly, eet en drink, en waar antieke krokodille jag en voorplant. Hulle deel die riviere met ystervarke, die breëkoparend, en die luiperd.
For millions of years, the annual migration in the Masai Mara has survived everything that the natural world has thrown at it. Wildebeest, Zebra and countless other species set off on this journey of enormous proportions to reach the greener grasses thousands of miles away. But the treacherous journey is filled with hardship and the ever-present threat of being ambushed by hungry predators. Crossing the Mara River will be one of the mega herds biggest challenges, with crocodiles and lions eagerly awaiting the infamous paradise crossing. It's a bloodbath like no other, and only the lucky will make it to the greener pastures on the other side.
In Southern Africa, one of the most significant elephant translocation projects in history is about to get underway. One thousand elephants must be moved from the overpopulated Kruger National Park in South Africa into neighbouring Mozambique and the newly created Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Park. Even the world's most experienced elephant capture crew finds the prospect overwhelming, and the project is fraught with dangers, mishaps and seriously close brushes with death. If the team succeeds, they will have contributed to creating the world's largest wildlife sanctuary and a new home for Africa's endangered elephants.
Africa's Deadly Kingdom delves deep into the complex lives of the continent's most remarkable species and their never-ending struggles to survive.
Africa is a land of giants. Its mighty rivers sculpt the earth and form impressive valleys and waterways home to many imposing and powerful inhabitants. These are the rivers where massive elephants and hippos live, feed and drink, and ancient crocodiles hunt and breed. They share the rivers with porcupines, the martial eagle, and the leopard.
An exclusive peek into the lives of the most secretive creatures of Africa. We delve into the shadowy existence of animals rarely seen, let alone captured on television. They are the Serval, Aardvark, Pangolin, Genet, African wildcat, Civet and Porcupine.
The annual sardine migration up the eastern coast of South Africa creates a moving feast of billions of tiny fish for one of the most diverse shark populations on the planet.
Africa's Deadly Kingdom delves deep into the complex lives of the continent's most remarkable species and their never-ending struggles to survive.
The grasslands of Africa are a banquet spread for feline predators. Explore the hunting and nurturing habits of lions, leopards, and cheetahs of the African Savannah, as well as the overlooked grasses that lay the foundation for the amazing array of wildlife flourishing among its leaves.
Die Aliwal Shoal aan die Kwazulu-Natal suid kus in Suid Afrika is ‘n eksotiese mariene wildernis van uitstaande skoonheid en een van die wêreld se top duik plekke.
In a land reduced to sand and water, every day is a struggle for survival. But one creature has conquered these two elements: crocodiles have learned to thrive.
It captures some of the most extraordinary scenes ever seen on film of these predators hunting and killing. This award-winning program, filmed at Londolozi Game Reserve in South Africa and Kenya's Masai Mara, features the "big five" super predators: lion, hyena, wild dog, leopard and cheetah. The film includes a place for a man to work in closer partnership with nature for our mutual benefit and survival.
200km from the southernmost point of Africa, where the water is chilly and harsh, runs the Breede River. Recently, reports have been made of a massive creature living in the river. Fish are being taken off fisherman's lines - but with a curious and sickening twist. Only the bodies are taken: the heads are being left intact. The picture that sends aquatic ecologist Andy Coetzee off on the quest shows the head of large kob that has clearly had its body ripped off by something even larger. With shark hunter and expert fisherman Hennie Papenfuss at his side, Andy sets out to discover the truth behind the tales and exactly what the monster could be. Following the science and the rumours, this dramatic aquatic adventure joins Andy on a journey that follows the coastline of South Africa from north to south, and the sharks who are in turn following the fish.
Miljoene sardientjies swem langs die suidelike kus van Afrika, gevolg deur duisende dolfyne, ontelbare haaie en Witmalgas voels, almal will meeding in die natuur se oorvloed.
Whether you're a wildlife cameraman or a tourist on safari, catching nature's finest moments on camera means being at the right place at the right time.
Afrika is ‘n land van reuse. Sy kragtige riviere kerf die aarde en vorm indrukwekkende valleie en waterwieë wat ‘n tuiste is vir menigte treffende en magtige inwoners. Hierdie is die riviere waar reusagtige olifante en seekoeie bly, eet en drink, en waar antieke krokodille jag en voorplant. Hulle deel die riviere met ystervarke, die breëkoparend, en die luiperd.
Ele Tele is a 52-minute film that will give viewers an elephant's eye view of the Kruger National Park in South Africa. Using a specially constructed camera and microphone rig attached to the elephant matriarch named Ellie, the film crew and scientists capture every event in the life of a family of elephants.
On the northern bank of the Sand River in the Mala-Mala Game Reserve in South Africa, seven magnificent creatures reside in an area the size of Manhattan island. Over the next 24-hours, we’ll witness the Buffalo as a formidable, tough character that relies on teamwork to stay alive. The Lions’ strength lies in his physique and their tendency to hang together, while the Cheetah is the king of speed. The Rhino is an armoured knight that won’t back down. The Leopard relies on stealth and stays out of the way of its nemesis, the Hyena, who takes every opportunity as the master scavenger. The Elephant is the gentle giant that can and does rely on brute force when threatened.
Their precision teamwork ensures that the hunts of this cheetah family almost always results in a kill - until tragedy strikes, and Achilles, their leader, is killed by a cobra. The remaining brothers have to fend for themselves, outwit their enemies, and find a way to survive in the unforgiving African wilderness. Have they acquired the necessary skills to make it on their own?
The rivers of Africa bring life and abundance to their inhabitants, but they can also be the arena for some of nature's greatest challenges and dramas. Harsh seasonal cycles dictate life - and death - along the rivers. Only the fittest survive crossing the crocodile-infested Mara, the extreme drought of the Luangwa Valley or any of the many other perils harboured by waterways all over the continent. Africa's Rivers is a predator's world with cunning and opportunistic hunters of all sizes lurking in the waters or prowling the banks.
Cameraman John Varty spent five years making this documentary about Africa's elusive, silent hunter, the leopard. Footage of leopards mating at night, raising a litter of cubs, interacting with hyenas and going for the kill.
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