Africa is a land of giants. Its mighty rivers sculpt the earth and form impressive valleys and waterways home to many imposing and powerful inhabitants. These are the rivers where massive elephants and hippos live, feed and drink, and ancient crocodiles hunt and breed. They share the rivers with porcupines, the martial eagle, and the leopard.
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Africa is a land of giants. Its mighty rivers sculpt the earth and form impressive valleys and waterways home to many imposing and powerful inhabitants. These are the rivers where massive elephants and hippos live, feed and drink, and ancient crocodiles hunt and breed. They share the rivers with porcupines, the martial eagle, and the leopard.
Africa is a land of giants. Its mighty rivers sculpt the earth and form impressive valleys and waterways home to many imposing and powerful inhabitants. These are the rivers where massive elephants and hippos live, feed and drink, and ancient crocodiles hunt and breed. They share the rivers with porcupines, the martial eagle, and the leopard.
Captive cats become captivating predators in this intensely moving film about a family of caracal that regains their freedom through an alliance with the South African air force. The caracal is evasive, shy and solitary and these little known feline predators are seldom seen and extremely difficult to film. A special group of caracals has been enrolled in the South African air force to protect them from flocks of birds. First of all, though, they have to be taught how to hunt.
Africa is a land of giants. Its mighty rivers sculpt the earth and form impressive valleys and waterways home to many imposing and powerful inhabitants. These are the rivers where massive elephants and hippos live, feed and drink, and ancient crocodiles hunt and breed. They share the rivers with porcupines, the martial eagle, and the leopard.
In a land reduced to sand and water, every day is a struggle for survival. But one creature has conquered these two elements: crocodiles have learned to thrive.
Africa's Deadly Kingdom delves deep into the complex lives of the continent's most remarkable species and their never-ending struggles to survive.
Hierdie is die dramatiese en indrukwekende storie van die Afrika renoster se veg vir oorlewing, nie net teen die mens nie, maar ook teen ‘n onverwagte vyand – olifante.
The Sardine Run - One of the most spectacular marine wildlife events in the world. Millions of sardines swim along the South coast of Africa pursued by thousands of dolphins, countless sharks and gannets, all competing for nature's bounty. Meanwhile, every fisherman on the south coast of Africa also races to exploit the generosity of this vast ocean. This action packed, visually spectacular film follows the passionate quest of director / cameraman, Peter Lamberti, and his dedicated crew as they chase the sardines racing along South Africa's Wild Coast shadowed by an assortment of predators. Sharks, dolphins, seals, gannets and many other animals join this gala, frantic to indulge in the great feast. Whales, sharks and game fish compete to keep up with this moving buffet. Inadvertently, the various predators start to act cooperatively. Copper sharks and Common dolphins team up, herding the shoals close to the surface, making it easier for the seabirds to plunge in and take their share. From the air and from below, the hunt is on. For the local Shark's Board it is a particularly tense time, having to remove the shark nets from the sea to avoid shark and dolphin casualties. As the sardines head up the coastline the action intensifies, on the Natal Coast humans join in the attack. Fishermen and local inhabitants wait all year for this bonanza. As the nets are hauled up on the beach, the frenzy continues with onlookers grabbing handfuls, stuffing fish in bags and pockets. Etiquette forgotten, fights break out as the people grapple with each other to seize as many fish as possible. The sensational under water footage of "The Greatest Shoal on Earth" reveals one of the most incredible spectacles of the planet's oceans .
Ruwe duikers en matrose reis van oral oor die wêreld na die berugte Skeleton Coast, langs die gevaarlike kus van Suid Afrika en bekend vir sy skeeps wrakke, om te soek vir diamante onder die see.
The Aliwal Shoal off the Kwazulu-Natal south coast in South Africa is an exotic marine wilderness of outstanding beauty and one of the world's top dive sites.
In the foothills of the Himalayas mountains in Pakistan, a remarkable conservation project is underway. The Himalayan Wildlife Project with help from renowned conservationists from South Africa sets out to save the critically endangered Himalayan Brown Bear.
Caught in the Act brings you a selection of unbelievable scenes depicting extraordinary animal behavior, together with the emotional accounts of the filmmakers who witnessed them, that will make you rethink what you know about the natural world!
Follow former spearfishermen Mark Priest and Rob Torelli as they brave the shark-filled waters of South Africa in this compelling nature documentary. Without the safety of a cage or scuba gear, they become the first Australians to free dive with these deadly predators. Their incredible quest gives you an in-depth look at several species of sharks in their natural habitat.
Set in the spectacular Masai Mara, Kenya, this classic film follows two of Africa's greatest big cats, the Cheetah and the Leopard, as they raise their cubs in the beautiful but often harsh natural world of Africa. Teaching their cubs to hunt and fend for themselves, we witness some spectacular events as the cubs watch and try to mimic their mothers, joining in the hunt until they reach independence.
In this episode of Aerial Africa, we fly over to the magnificent Kruger Park for a trip through its remarkable history and celebrate its 100 years of conservation. Where nearly 2 million hectares of unrivalled diversity of life forms fuse with historical and archaeological sights - this is real Africa. The world-renowned Kruger National Park offers a wildlife experience that ranks among the best in Africa, and we showcase its stories and history from the air.
‘n Een uur spesiale program oor die stryd van oorlewing vir ‘n bruin hyena ma en haar kleintjies in Botswana se verlate sout panne in die Makgadikgadi – ‘n unieke ekosisteem van ontneming en oorvloed, gesien deur die oë van twee jong navorsers in hulle soektog om hierdie vergete Eden te red van die invloed van die mens.
Hop on a high-speed endurance adventure through one of the harshest environments on Earth. Glyn Maude follows a family of brown hyenas in Botswana's desolate saltpans of the Makgadikgadi.
Powerful. Deadly. Elusive. Manana is a wild leopard. She could kill a man with ease. Yet besides her sits JV, unarmed and unharmed no bars, no cage. She gently brushes past him, almost touching. Today she will allow him to join her as a hunter, a privilege rarely bestowed on fellow leopards, let alone a human. John Varty, wildlife cameraman, has a unique friendship with this wild cat and has gained access to the mysterious world of one of nature's most enigmatic animals.
Ele Tele is a 52-minute film that will give viewers an elephant's eye view of the Kruger National Park in South Africa. Using a specially constructed camera and microphone rig attached to the elephant matriarch named Ellie, the film crew and scientists capture every event in the life of a family of elephants.
Fast and efficient, an ocean legion is on the move. Growing in momentum, single pods congregate to find food. Combining in battalions over 3000 strong, this is the Dolphin Army. Filmed over 3 years during the spectacular Sardine Run along the eastern coast of South Africa, Peter Lamberti and his team have filmed one of the fastest predators in the ocean - the Common Dolphin. Using advanced underwater technology, they follow a small group of female dolphins as they battle shark threats, raise their calves and journey towards the greatest feeding opportunity in the ocean.
A story of survival against the odds in one of the world's most hostile environments. The harsh environment of an arid desert, cannibalism, deadly snakes, and territorial struggles may not seem an ideal place to rear young, but this Namaqua Chameleon is a ferocious little dragon, defending her patch against all comers. Our brave little chameleon endures many hardships to successfully see her eggs hatch. The tiny infants are less than 5cm long, but thanks to their protective mother, they will start off life in the safety of her territory, a place where few other animals will dare to walk, a place of dragons.
Groot nommers van seekoeie is besig om dood te gaan en hulle karkasse word al langs die rivier gevind tot die genot van die krokodille. Wat is die oorsaak van hierdie ongewone sterftes?
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