Die Aliwal Shoal aan die Kwazulu-Natal suid kus in Suid Afrika is ‘n eksotiese mariene wildernis van uitstaande skoonheid en een van die wêreld se top duik plekke.
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Die Aliwal Shoal aan die Kwazulu-Natal suid kus in Suid Afrika is ‘n eksotiese mariene wildernis van uitstaande skoonheid en een van die wêreld se top duik plekke. Hierdie unieke omgewing ondersteun ‘n skouspelagtige koraal gemeenskap en ‘n groot verskeidenheid van bedreigde vis spesies insluitende die vlagskip spesie – die Skeurtandhaai. Dit is ‘n paradys vir besoekende duikers en ‘n bron van inkomste vir die wat daar visvang. Dit is ‘n beskermde area en almal wie dit gebruik is sy beskermers.
Die Aliwal Shoal aan die Kwazulu-Natal suid kus in Suid Afrika is ‘n eksotiese mariene wildernis van uitstaande skoonheid en een van die wêreld se top duik plekke. Hierdie unieke omgewing ondersteun ‘n skouspelagtige koraal gemeenskap en ‘n groot verskeidenheid van bedreigde vis spesies insluitende die vlagskip spesie – die Skeurtandhaai. Dit is ‘n paradys vir besoekende duikers en ‘n bron van inkomste vir die wat daar visvang. Dit is ‘n beskermde area en almal wie dit gebruik is sy beskermers.
This is the story of a courageous little seal who braves the ocean and all its perils - a real adventurer at heart who leaves the colony to follow one of the greatest migrations on Earth - the Sardine Run. Each year millions upon millions of sardines leave the waters off the southern tip of Africa to move en masse up the east coast of South Africa. They follow the cool winter currents for almost 1000 kilometres. For the sardines it's a perilous journey - their migration awakens a great following of formidable predators that attack from sea and air. Huge flocks of Cape gannets pursue the great shoals while thousands of dolphins strike relentlessly from the surface and hundreds of sharks mount the attack from the depths. Among the predators, there are a few adventurous seals that join this frenzied journey. To this day, what makes a seal embark on the sardine run remains a mystery.
At Londolozi Game Reserve they experience a close interrelationship with the animals and this is the window which allows them into the secret life of the magnificent Leopard Lula.
Vir die antieke Egiptenare was krokodille gode. Hierdie prehistoriese reptiele van die Ndumo Natuur Reservaat aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Mosambiekse grens het n harde moeilike bestaan. As 'n jong wyfie krokodil haar lewe waag om met die grootste mannetjie in die groep te paar, is sy in direkte kompetisie met ouer en groter wyfies. Dit is 'n ambisieuse oorlewingsstrategie - as haar jong kroos dit maak.
The Marsh Pride resides in the Musiara Marsh for most of the year but may move further north into the Mara North Conservancy when the Reserve's long grass leads to a scarcity of prey. The Marsh Pride is perhaps the most famous in the Masai Mara National Reserve.
Twee gewone mans met 'n buitengewone passie vir avontuur en vir haaie! Hul vriende dink hulle is 'n bietjie mal - maar hul vennootskap het van die mooiste onderwaterbeelde opgelewer wat al gesien is.
For generations, lions have ruled over the Londolozi region of Mpumalanga but one brotherhood reigns supreme: a coalition of two brothers descendent from a long dynasty. To get to the top they have hunted, fought and won many battles. This show follows this Brotherhood as they conquer prides, kill rivals and continue their bloodline guaranteeing their genes are firmly entrenched in future generations to come.
Lions, cheetahs and leopards: each cat has its own special hunting strategies, family upbringing and survival techniques. We focus on their behaviour and competitive interaction in our quest to find out who the ultimate predator is in the daunting wilderness of Africa. We follow their lives as they play out like a game of chance.
The Aliwal Shoal off the Kwazulu-Natal south coast in South Africa is an exotic marine wilderness of outstanding beauty and one of the world's top dive sites.
For millions of years, herbivores and predators have competed in an arms race, and over time, they developed specialised survival techniques and super-human abilities. They can see, smell and hear with telescopic vision, advanced radar and instant wireless communication, the real bush telegraph. Sense and Scentability explore the phenomenal world of animal super-senses, looking at dramatic footage of the hunters and the hunted square off against each other in Africa's great wilderness area.
Africa is a land of giants. Its mighty rivers sculpt the earth and form impressive valleys and waterways home to many imposing and powerful inhabitants. These are the rivers where massive elephants and hippos live, feed and drink, and ancient crocodiles hunt and breed. They share the rivers with porcupines, the martial eagle, and the leopard.
In die vlak, donker waters langs die kus van Suidelike Afrika skuil ‘n roofdier wie se onbevraagde superioriteit vrees en fasinasie inspireer al vir duisende jare. Normaalweg ‘n oseaan besoeker is die Zambesihaai bekend dat hy al meer as ‘n 1000km in varswater in van die wêreld se grootste riviere – die Mekong, die Ganges, die Mississippi – op geswem het, wat hom sy plaaslike naam, die Zambesihaai gegee het.
Hop on a high-speed endurance adventure through one of the harshest environments on Earth. Glyn Maude follows a family of brown hyenas in Botswana's desolate saltpans of the Makgadikgadi.
Die riviere van Afrika bring lewe maar hulle kan ook die arena wees vir van die natuur se grootste uitdagings.
In the foothills of the Himalayas mountains in Pakistan, a remarkable conservation project is underway. The Himalayan Wildlife Project with help from renowned conservationists from South Africa sets out to save the critically endangered Himalayan Brown Bear.
‘n Storie van oorlewing teen alle verwagtinge in een van die wêreld se mees vyandige omgewings.
To the ancient Egyptians, the crocodiles of the Nile were river gods. Now residing in the Ndumo Wildlife Sanctuary on the South African Mozambiquan border, these prehistoric reptiles live a harsh and difficult life. When a young female crocodile risks her life to mate with the biggest male in the group, she is in direct competition with older and larger females. It is an ambitious strategy of survival that could pay off - if her young brood makes it to adulthood.
For millions of years, the annual migration in the Masai Mara has survived everything that the natural world has thrown at it. Wildebeest, Zebra and countless other species set off on this journey of enormous proportions to reach the greener grasses thousands of miles away. But the treacherous journey is filled with hardship and the ever-present threat of being ambushed by hungry predators. Crossing the Mara River will be one of the mega herds biggest challenges, with crocodiles and lions eagerly awaiting the infamous paradise crossing. It's a bloodbath like no other, and only the lucky will make it to the greener pastures on the other side.
Once found all over Africa, indiscriminate hunting and enthusiasm for decorative rhino-horn daggers has led to near extinction for the black rhino. Thanks to the passage of tight legislation and the rise of vigilant protection, black rhino numbers are finally rising. This film documents efforts at Tanzania's Mkomazi Game Reserve.
A Documentary of Love, Family and Future As humans continually close off their hearts and empathy - elephants are now just showing us how to truly love and forgive. The heart of the elephant is a story of wonder woven together from a tapestry of eye-witness accounts and scientific proof of these gentle giants' intelligence and undeniable emotional capacity, which is far more powerful than we ever acknowledged.
Charging Back is a dramatic and powerful mystery of the African rhinos' fight for survival.
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