Luca and Melua head off to the coastal waters of South Africa in search of all the fascinating creatures that call this region home. On their first leg, they visit Mossel Bay, where they take a boat out to sea and encounter one of the ocean's most ferocious animals - the Great White Shark.
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The kids head to the southern tip of Africa for a heart-stopping journey along South Africa’s coast. Joining up with top researchers and marine biologists, they track the largest migration of animals on earth. Millions of sardines move like a dark shadow up the coast, followed by huge pods of dolphins and rafts of comical Cape fur seals and giant whales! They then head to Boulders Beach, where they discover a colony of the most endearing South African residents – African Penguins!
The kids head to the southern tip of Africa for a heart-stopping journey along South Africa’s coast. Joining up with top researchers and marine biologists, they track the largest migration of animals on earth. Millions of sardines move like a dark shadow up the coast, followed by huge pods of dolphins and rafts of comical Cape fur seals and giant whales! They then head to Boulders Beach, where they discover a colony of the most endearing South African residents – African Penguins!
On Botswana's Savuti Channel, two armies wage war. The Duma Tau wild dog pack and the Savuti hyena clan compete savagely for territory and prey to rear the next generation of warriors. These rivals must also cope with a scavenging resident jackal and their common enemy: the Selinda Lion pride. Then after twenty-five years of drought, heavy rains from Angola flood the battleground, and crocodiles arrive to seize the flowing channel. Old strategies fail, and now hunters must adapt or fall in defeat. Watch as predators confront each other, aggressive elephants, cheeky baboons and daring buffalos all to provide meals for their growing youngsters and to protect them from harm. The wild dogs struggle to overcome their fear of crocodiles while the hyenas take their stamina driven hunts to the water with ease. In an unprecedented epic finale, three wild dogs and a hyena work together as a team to make a kill. This stunning show of cooperation sees these arch-enemies feasting together - but for how long? Their truce is short-lived as they continue to fight for their survival on the Savuti Predator Battleground.
This is the story of Ella Addison, an extraordinary 12-year-old girl who swims with sharks. It is a family tradition. But something strange is happening around her Shark Rock playground. Blacktip sharks are multiplying, and tiger sharks are disappearing. Curious by nature, Ella starts a school project to solve this mystery. Usually, blacktips migrate to Shark Rock for the sardine run and then move on. But in recent years, they are staying put, which means tiger sharks are being forced out. So, where do the blacktips come from? Jessica Escobar, a feisty Columbian marine biologist, doing her doctoral thesis on blacktips, and Ella makes a formidable team. While Jessica compiles and analysis the genetic information, Ella compiles a visual diary of her dives on Shark Rock to present to her school.
Die Aliwal Shoal aan die Kwazulu-Natal suid kus in Suid Afrika is ‘n eksotiese mariene wildernis van uitstaande skoonheid en een van die wêreld se top duik plekke.
‘n Storie van oorlewing teen alle verwagtinge in een van die wêreld se mees vyandige omgewings.
Africa's Deadly Kingdom delves deep into the complex lives of the continent's most remarkable species and their never-ending struggles to survive.
JV and Gillian are given the task of reintroducing three magnificent cheetahs- two of which are the rare King Cheetah- back into their natural surroundings. JV and Gillian document and share their story as they follow the lives of the three cub's journey from cub to adulthood in the Tswalu reserve. We follow all the trials and tribulations as the young cubs navigate their new world and learn to survive in their desert home. Filled with hope and heartbreak it's a gripping tale in which we witness the extraordinary return of the Kings.
‘n Een uur spesiale program oor die stryd van oorlewing vir ‘n bruin hyena ma en haar kleintjies in Botswana se verlate sout panne in die Makgadikgadi – ‘n unieke ekosisteem van ontneming en oorvloed, gesien deur die oë van twee jong navorsers in hulle soektog om hierdie vergete Eden te red van die invloed van die mens.
Leeus, jagluiperds en luiperds: hulle het hul eie jagstrategieë, opvoeding en oorlewingstegnieke ontwikkel. Ons ondersoek hul gedrag en mededingende interaksie om uit te vind wie die uiteindelike jagter is.
Africa's Deadly Kingdom delves deep into the complex lives of the continent's most remarkable species and their never-ending struggles to survive.
A sequel to "The silent hunter", this video examines the threatened habitats and the three great predators: the jaguar, the leopard and the cheetah of the great South American jungle, the Masai Mara grasslands of Kenya and the bushland of South Africa.
This is wildlife film making like you’ve never seen it before, and it’s just the beginning!
Hop on a high-speed endurance adventure through one of the harshest environments on Earth. Glyn Maude follows a family of brown hyenas in Botswana's desolate saltpans of the Makgadikgadi.
Set in the vast expanse of South Africa's Mala Mala game reserve, a host of Africa's biggest and fiercest wildlife species compete for food, mates and territory against the backdrop of a harsh dry season.
Die wêreld se tropiese waters word bewoon deur 'n vis wat alle ander verdwerg, maar tog maak die kleinste wesens dit brandstof. Die walvishaai bestee sy lewe aan ryk opgraderings van mikroskopiese plankton. Aan die ooskus van Afrika dra die warm strome van die Indiese Oseaan 'n oënskynlik oneindige voedselvoorraad saam. Met die aanvang van die lente verlaat die sagte reuse elke jaar die ekwatoriale waters van die Seychelle en volg hierdie strome suidwaarts, op 'n merkwaardige reis, uniek in die natuur, duisende kilometers ver langs die snelweë van die oseaan. Ons verhaal volg op een walvishaai op reis na die mees suidelike punt van die kontinent om die raaisel van die walvishaai se ongelooflike reis te ontrafel.
Africa's Deadly Kingdom delves deep into the complex lives of the continent's most remarkable species and their never-ending struggles to survive.
Ele Tele is a 52-minute film that will give viewers an elephant's eye view of the Kruger National Park in South Africa. Using a specially constructed camera and microphone rig attached to the elephant matriarch named Ellie, the film crew and scientists capture every event in the life of a family of elephants.
In Southern Africa, one of the most significant elephant translocation projects in history is about to get underway. One thousand elephants must be moved from the overpopulated Kruger National Park in South Africa into neighbouring Mozambique and the newly created Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Park. Even the world's most experienced elephant capture crew finds the prospect overwhelming, and the project is fraught with dangers, mishaps and seriously close brushes with death. If the team succeeds, they will have contributed to creating the world's largest wildlife sanctuary and a new home for Africa's endangered elephants.
A story of survival against the odds in one of the world's most hostile environments. The harsh environment of an arid desert, cannibalism, deadly snakes, and territorial struggles may not seem an ideal place to rear young, but this Namaqua Chameleon is a ferocious little dragon, defending her patch against all comers. Our brave little chameleon endures many hardships to successfully see her eggs hatch. The tiny infants are less than 5cm long, but thanks to their protective mother, they will start off life in the safety of her territory, a place where few other animals will dare to walk, a place of dragons.
Twee gewone mans met 'n buitengewone passie vir avontuur en vir haaie! Hul vriende dink hulle is 'n bietjie mal - maar hul vennootskap het van die mooiste onderwaterbeelde opgelewer wat al gesien is.
The Swamp Pride is on its knees. Its mighty male was killed by poachers, leaving three mothers and their cubs defenseless in one of the toughest landscapes for a lion in Africa.
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