After many days of travelling, Luca and Melua finally reach their destination, the world's oldest desert, the Namib. On this voyage of discovery, Luca and Melua travel through the beautiful sandy landscape; along the way, they encounter incredible creatures adapted to live in extreme heat, and peculiar fairy circles dot the drylands.
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Our beautiful planet is truly a place of wonder – especially if you are 8 and 10 years old! Join Luca and his sister Melua on a wild journey of discovery as they explore some of the most spectacular places on earth! Armed with an insatiable sense of curiosity, our two young adventurers head off on a mission to learn about the fascinating animals that call these amazing places home. Journeying from the rolling savannahs of the African bush, to the crystal clear waters of Africa’s two mighty oceans and the towering sand dunes of the world’s oldest desert, they find excitement, mystery and plenty of interesting characters at every turn! Spanning much of Namibia’s west coast lies the oldest desert on earth – the Namib. Very few people have been lucky enough to cross this enormous sea of sand, and together with their expert guide, Luca and Melua set off on a week-long adventure across this magnificent desert. Just getting there takes days, and their journey is as exciting as the destination. Finally, they lay eyes on the massive expanse of sand, and it’s time to explore the Namib! The towering dunes and fossilized rock formations may seem hostile and lifeless but do not be fooled; there is an abundance of life just waiting to be discovered. As they travel west towards the Atlantic Ocean, they sift through the remains of diamond mining ghost towns, now slowly surrendering to the power of the elements. At the same time, shipwrecks loom like slumbering giants in the mist - both blown in from a restless ocean. Here they follow the endless beaches, passing the largest colonies of seals in the world until the desert finally runs out of sand.
Spanning much of Namibia’s west coast lies the oldest desert on earth – the Namib. Very few people have been lucky enough to cross this enormous sea of sand, and together with their expert guide, Luca and Melua set off on a week-long adventure across this magnificent desert. Just getting there takes days, and their journey is as exciting as the destination. Finally, they lay eyes on the massive expanse of sand, and it’s time to explore the Namib! The towering dunes and fossilized rock formations may seem hostile and lifeless but do not be fooled; there is an abundance of life just waiting to be discovered. As they travel west towards the Atlantic Ocean, they sift through the remains of diamond mining ghost towns, now slowly surrendering to the power of the elements. At the same time, shipwrecks loom like slumbering giants in the mist - both blown in from a restless ocean. Here they follow the endless beaches, passing the largest colonies of seals in the world until the desert finally runs out of sand.
It captures some of the most extraordinary scenes ever seen on film of these predators hunting and killing. This award-winning program, filmed at Londolozi Game Reserve in South Africa and Kenya's Masai Mara, features the "big five" super predators: lion, hyena, wild dog, leopard and cheetah. The film includes a place for a man to work in closer partnership with nature for our mutual benefit and survival.
Die riviere van Afrika bring lewe maar hulle kan ook die arena wees vir van die natuur se grootste uitdagings.
A sequel to "The silent hunter", this video examines the threatened habitats and the three great predators: the jaguar, the leopard and the cheetah of the great South American jungle, the Masai Mara grasslands of Kenya and the bushland of South Africa.
Documentary about the trials and tribulations of rearing Jamu, an orphaned leopard cub in the Luangwa Valley. Jamu was orphaned at two weeks old after her mother was killed in a snare. Under the care of John Varty and his team, Jamu survived severe dehydration and slowly began to explore her world.
The Swamp Pride is on its knees. Its mighty male was killed by poachers, leaving three mothers and their cubs defenseless in one of the toughest landscapes for a lion in Africa.
The rivers of Africa bring life and abundance to their inhabitants, but they can also be the arena for some of nature's greatest challenges and dramas. Harsh seasonal cycles dictate life - and death - along the rivers. Only the fittest survive crossing the crocodile-infested Mara, the extreme drought of the Luangwa Valley or any of the many other perils harboured by waterways all over the continent. Africa's Rivers is a predator's world with cunning and opportunistic hunters of all sizes lurking in the waters or prowling the banks.
Ele Tele is a 52-minute film that will give viewers an elephant's eye view of the Kruger National Park in South Africa. Using a specially constructed camera and microphone rig attached to the elephant matriarch named Ellie, the film crew and scientists capture every event in the life of a family of elephants.
On the northern bank of the Sand River in the Mala-Mala Game Reserve in South Africa, seven magnificent creatures reside in an area the size of Manhattan island. Over the next 24-hours, we’ll witness the Buffalo as a formidable, tough character that relies on teamwork to stay alive. The Lions’ strength lies in his physique and their tendency to hang together, while the Cheetah is the king of speed. The Rhino is an armoured knight that won’t back down. The Leopard relies on stealth and stays out of the way of its nemesis, the Hyena, who takes every opportunity as the master scavenger. The Elephant is the gentle giant that can and does rely on brute force when threatened.
Life is hard for inhabitants of Luangwa valley during the dry season with intense competition for food and water supplies dangerously low as well as outwitting their predators.
A story of survival against the odds in one of the world's most hostile environments. The harsh environment of an arid desert, cannibalism, deadly snakes, and territorial struggles may not seem an ideal place to rear young, but this Namaqua Chameleon is a ferocious little dragon, defending her patch against all comers. Our brave little chameleon endures many hardships to successfully see her eggs hatch. The tiny infants are less than 5cm long, but thanks to their protective mother, they will start off life in the safety of her territory, a place where few other animals will dare to walk, a place of dragons.
The world's tropical waters are inhabited by a fish that dwarfs all others, yet the tiniest creatures fuel it. The whale shark spends its life pursuing rich upwellings of microscopic plankton. Off the east coast of Africa, the warm currents of the Indian Ocean carry with them a seemingly infinite supply of food. Each year, with the onset of spring, the gentle giants leave the equatorial waters of Seychelles and follow these currents southwards, on a remarkable journey, unique in nature, thousands of miles along the ocean's highways. Our story follows one whale shark on its trip to the southernmost tip of the continent to unravel the mystery of the whale shark's incredible journey.
Set in the vast expanse of South Africa's Mala Mala game reserve, a host of Africa's biggest and fiercest wildlife species compete for food, mates and territory against the backdrop of a harsh dry season.
In this episode of Aerial Africa, we fly over to the magnificent Kruger Park for a trip through its remarkable history and celebrate its 100 years of conservation. Where nearly 2 million hectares of unrivalled diversity of life forms fuse with historical and archaeological sights - this is real Africa. The world-renowned Kruger National Park offers a wildlife experience that ranks among the best in Africa, and we showcase its stories and history from the air.
Lions, cheetahs and leopards: each cat has its own special hunting strategies, family upbringing and survival techniques. We focus on their behaviour and competitive interaction in our quest to find out who the ultimate predator is in the daunting wilderness of Africa. We follow their lives as they play out like a game of chance.
For generations, lions have ruled over the Londolozi region of Mpumalanga but one brotherhood reigns supreme: a coalition of two brothers descendent from a long dynasty. To get to the top they have hunted, fought and won many battles. This show follows this Brotherhood as they conquer prides, kill rivals and continue their bloodline guaranteeing their genes are firmly entrenched in future generations to come.
This is the story of a courageous little seal who braves the ocean and all its perils - a real adventurer at heart who leaves the colony to follow one of the greatest migrations on Earth - the Sardine Run. Each year millions upon millions of sardines leave the waters off the southern tip of Africa to move en masse up the east coast of South Africa. They follow the cool winter currents for almost 1000 kilometres. For the sardines it's a perilous journey - their migration awakens a great following of formidable predators that attack from sea and air. Huge flocks of Cape gannets pursue the great shoals while thousands of dolphins strike relentlessly from the surface and hundreds of sharks mount the attack from the depths. Among the predators, there are a few adventurous seals that join this frenzied journey. To this day, what makes a seal embark on the sardine run remains a mystery.
A Documentary of Love, Family and Future As humans continually close off their hearts and empathy - elephants are now just showing us how to truly love and forgive. The heart of the elephant is a story of wonder woven together from a tapestry of eye-witness accounts and scientific proof of these gentle giants' intelligence and undeniable emotional capacity, which is far more powerful than we ever acknowledged.
Africa's might and grandeur are formidable. Here, two powerful empires co-exist, one of land and one of the water realm. For most of the year, these two enemies work peaceably side by side, but in the dry season, the rules change. The dry season is predator prime-time. The shore of the Luangwa River, Zambia, is the boundary between kingdoms and during this time, the battle begins. It's risky business for a lion to go up against a crocodile. But here, it's the ultimate conflict. Some of nature's most powerful jaws lock in confrontation as the world's fiercest predators battle for supremacy.
Their precision teamwork ensures that the hunts of this cheetah family almost always results in a kill - until tragedy strikes, and Achilles, their leader, is killed by a cobra. The remaining brothers have to fend for themselves, outwit their enemies, and find a way to survive in the unforgiving African wilderness. Have they acquired the necessary skills to make it on their own?
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