This is the story of a courageous little seal who braves the ocean and all its perils - a real adventurer at heart who leaves the colony to follow one of the greatest migrations on Earth - the Sardine Run. Each year millions upon millions of sardines leave the waters off the southern tip of Africa to move en masse up the east coast of South Africa. They follow the cool winter currents for almost 1000 kilometres. For the sardines it's a perilous journey - their migration awakens a great following of formidable predators that attack from sea and air. Huge flocks of Cape gannets pursue the great shoals while thousands of dolphins strike relentlessly from the surface and hundreds of sharks mount the attack from the depths. Among the predators, there are a few adventurous seals that join this frenzied journey. To this day, what makes a seal embark on the sardine run remains a mystery.
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This is the story of a courageous little seal who braves the ocean and all its perils - a real adventurer at heart who leaves the colony to follow one of the greatest migrations on Earth - the Sardine Run. Each year millions upon millions of sardines leave the waters off the southern tip of Africa to move en masse up the east coast of South Africa. They follow the cool winter currents for almost 1000 kilometres. For the sardines it's a perilous journey - their migration awakens a great following of formidable predators that attack from sea and air. Huge flocks of Cape gannets pursue the great shoals while thousands of dolphins strike relentlessly from the surface and hundreds of sharks mount the attack from the depths. Among the predators, there are a few adventurous seals that join this frenzied journey. To this day, what makes a seal embark on the sardine run remains a mystery.
This is the story of a courageous little seal who braves the ocean and all its perils - a real adventurer at heart who leaves the colony to follow one of the greatest migrations on Earth - the Sardine Run. Each year millions upon millions of sardines leave the waters off the southern tip of Africa to move en masse up the east coast of South Africa. They follow the cool winter currents for almost 1000 kilometres. For the sardines it's a perilous journey - their migration awakens a great following of formidable predators that attack from sea and air. Huge flocks of Cape gannets pursue the great shoals while thousands of dolphins strike relentlessly from the surface and hundreds of sharks mount the attack from the depths. Among the predators, there are a few adventurous seals that join this frenzied journey. To this day, what makes a seal embark on the sardine run remains a mystery.
Africa's might and grandeur are formidable. Here, two powerful empires co-exist, one of land and one of the water realm. For most of the year, these two enemies work peaceably side by side, but in the dry season, the rules change. The dry season is predator prime-time. The shore of the Luangwa River, Zambia, is the boundary between kingdoms and during this time, the battle begins. It's risky business for a lion to go up against a crocodile. But here, it's the ultimate conflict. Some of nature's most powerful jaws lock in confrontation as the world's fiercest predators battle for supremacy.
Vir die antieke Egiptenare was krokodille gode. Hierdie prehistoriese reptiele van die Ndumo Natuur Reservaat aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Mosambiekse grens het n harde moeilike bestaan. As 'n jong wyfie krokodil haar lewe waag om met die grootste mannetjie in die groep te paar, is sy in direkte kompetisie met ouer en groter wyfies. Dit is 'n ambisieuse oorlewingsstrategie - as haar jong kroos dit maak.
In a land reduced to sand and water, every day is a struggle for survival. But one creature has conquered these two elements: crocodiles have learned to thrive.
Afrika is ‘n land van reuse. Sy kragtige riviere kerf die aarde en vorm indrukwekkende valleie en waterwieë wat ‘n tuiste is vir menigte treffende en magtige inwoners. Hierdie is die riviere waar reusagtige olifante en seekoeie bly, eet en drink, en waar antieke krokodille jag en voorplant. Hulle deel die riviere met ystervarke, die breëkoparend, en die luiperd.
This is the story of three African animals that nature has repainted with extraordinary new colours. They are the Outsiders: a White Lion, a Yellow Crocodile and a White Baboon. To be born an 'outsider' is a rare and dramatic event. Animals with startlingly different colours face completely new challenges. They are not well-camouflaged for the habitat they were born into, so they must work harder to survive. This film tells their story in the innovative form of an African fable. Along the way, we'll meet a host of other fascinating characters like a pink hippo, a black leopard and even a striped cheetah!
Leeus, jagluiperds en luiperds: hulle het hul eie jagstrategieë, opvoeding en oorlewingstegnieke ontwikkel. Ons ondersoek hul gedrag en mededingende interaksie om uit te vind wie die uiteindelike jagter is.
A sequel to "The silent hunter", this video examines the threatened habitats and the three great predators: the jaguar, the leopard and the cheetah of the great South American jungle, the Masai Mara grasslands of Kenya and the bushland of South Africa.
Once found all over Africa, indiscriminate hunting and enthusiasm for decorative rhino-horn daggers has led to near extinction for the black rhino. Thanks to the passage of tight legislation and the rise of vigilant protection, black rhino numbers are finally rising. This film documents efforts at Tanzania's Mkomazi Game Reserve.
Hop on a high-speed endurance adventure through one of the harshest environments on Earth. Glyn Maude follows a family of brown hyenas in Botswana's desolate saltpans of the Makgadikgadi.
Twee gewone mans met 'n buitengewone passie vir avontuur en vir haaie! Hul vriende dink hulle is 'n bietjie mal - maar hul vennootskap het van die mooiste onderwaterbeelde opgelewer wat al gesien is.
On the northern bank of the Sand River in the Mala-Mala Game Reserve in South Africa, seven magnificent creatures reside in an area the size of Manhattan island. Over the next 24-hours, we’ll witness the Buffalo as a formidable, tough character that relies on teamwork to stay alive. The Lions’ strength lies in his physique and their tendency to hang together, while the Cheetah is the king of speed. The Rhino is an armoured knight that won’t back down. The Leopard relies on stealth and stays out of the way of its nemesis, the Hyena, who takes every opportunity as the master scavenger. The Elephant is the gentle giant that can and does rely on brute force when threatened.
At Londolozi Game Reserve they experience a close interrelationship with the animals and this is the window which allows them into the secret life of the magnificent Leopard Lula.
Lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyaenas, wild dogs, and crocodiles are extraordinary scenes of super predators hunting. Over three years, the Super Predators were filmed at Londolozi Game Reserve in South Africa and on Kenya's Masai Mara. It captures some of the most extraordinary scenes ever seen on film of these super predators hunting and killing. Dramatic slow-motion action replays allow the viewer to observe all the subtleties of these magnificent hunters in action. The film includes a plea for the world's most notorious predator, man, to work in closer partnership with nature for our mutual benefit and survival.
John Varty, Gillian van Houten and Elmon Mhlongo track the secret life of a Leopard called Lula. They diaries the birth of her cubs, her triumphant hunts and her interactions with other lethal predators.
A Documentary of Love, Family and Future As humans continually close off their hearts and empathy - elephants are now just showing us how to truly love and forgive. The heart of the elephant is a story of wonder woven together from a tapestry of eye-witness accounts and scientific proof of these gentle giants' intelligence and undeniable emotional capacity, which is far more powerful than we ever acknowledged.
To the ancient Egyptians, the crocodiles of the Nile were river gods. Now residing in the Ndumo Wildlife Sanctuary on the South African Mozambiquan border, these prehistoric reptiles live a harsh and difficult life. When a young female crocodile risks her life to mate with the biggest male in the group, she is in direct competition with older and larger females. It is an ambitious strategy of survival that could pay off - if her young brood makes it to adulthood.
Their precision teamwork ensures that the hunts of this cheetah family almost always results in a kill - until tragedy strikes, and Achilles, their leader, is killed by a cobra. The remaining brothers have to fend for themselves, outwit their enemies, and find a way to survive in the unforgiving African wilderness. Have they acquired the necessary skills to make it on their own?
Set in the vast expanse of South Africa's Mala Mala game reserve, a host of Africa's biggest and fiercest wildlife species compete for food, mates and territory against the backdrop of a harsh dry season.
Groot nommers van seekoeie is besig om dood te gaan en hulle karkasse word al langs die rivier gevind tot die genot van die krokodille. Wat is die oorsaak van hierdie ongewone sterftes?
Peter Lamberti sets out to try and discover the secret lure that Wild Coast wields. He will investigate and film how Raggies, Blacktips and Tiger Sharks behave towards each other. What are their secrets, and are they really to be feared.
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