Ruwe duikers en matrose reis van oral oor die wêreld na die berugte Skeleton Coast, langs die gevaarlike kus van Suid Afrika en bekend vir sy skeeps wrakke, om te soek vir diamante onder die see.
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Ruwe duikers en matrose reis van oral oor die wêreld na die berugte Skeleton Coast, langs die gevaarlike kus van Suid Afrika en bekend vir sy skeeps wrakke, om te soek vir diamante onder die see. Die rykste diamantneerslae op die aarde word gevind in Suidelike Afrika. Oor ‘n tydperk van miljoene jare was van hierdie diamante weggevoer deur die Oranje Rivier tot in die see waar hulle lê en wag soos versteekte skatte. Maar die duikers wie probeer om hierdie rykdomme bymekaar te maak het een van die gevaarlikste beroepe op aarde.
Ruwe duikers en matrose reis van oral oor die wêreld na die berugte Skeleton Coast, langs die gevaarlike kus van Suid Afrika en bekend vir sy skeeps wrakke, om te soek vir diamante onder die see. Die rykste diamantneerslae op die aarde word gevind in Suidelike Afrika. Oor ‘n tydperk van miljoene jare was van hierdie diamante weggevoer deur die Oranje Rivier tot in die see waar hulle lê en wag soos versteekte skatte. Maar die duikers wie probeer om hierdie rykdomme bymekaar te maak het een van die gevaarlikste beroepe op aarde.
Life is hard for inhabitants of Luangwa valley during the dry season with intense competition for food and water supplies dangerously low as well as outwitting their predators.
Ele Tele is a 52-minute film that will give viewers an elephant's eye view of the Kruger National Park in South Africa. Using a specially constructed camera and microphone rig attached to the elephant matriarch named Ellie, the film crew and scientists capture every event in the life of a family of elephants.
Africa's Deadly Kingdom delves deep into the complex lives of the continent's most remarkable species and their never-ending struggles to survive.
Africa's might and grandeur are formidable. Here, two powerful empires co-exist, one of land and one of the water realm. For most of the year, these two enemies work peaceably side by side, but in the dry season, the rules change. The dry season is predator prime-time. The shore of the Luangwa River, Zambia, is the boundary between kingdoms and during this time, the battle begins. It's risky business for a lion to go up against a crocodile. But here, it's the ultimate conflict. Some of nature's most powerful jaws lock in confrontation as the world's fiercest predators battle for supremacy.
An exclusive peek into the lives of the most secretive creatures of Africa. We delve into the shadowy existence of animals rarely seen, let alone captured on television. They are the Serval, Aardvark, Pangolin, Genet, African wildcat, Civet and Porcupine.
A story of survival against the odds in one of the world's most hostile environments. The harsh environment of an arid desert, cannibalism, deadly snakes, and territorial struggles may not seem an ideal place to rear young, but this Namaqua Chameleon is a ferocious little dragon, defending her patch against all comers. Our brave little chameleon endures many hardships to successfully see her eggs hatch. The tiny infants are less than 5cm long, but thanks to their protective mother, they will start off life in the safety of her territory, a place where few other animals will dare to walk, a place of dragons.
To the ancient Egyptians, the crocodiles of the Nile were river gods. Now residing in the Ndumo Wildlife Sanctuary on the South African Mozambiquan border, these prehistoric reptiles live a harsh and difficult life. When a young female crocodile risks her life to mate with the biggest male in the group, she is in direct competition with older and larger females. It is an ambitious strategy of survival that could pay off - if her young brood makes it to adulthood.
The grasslands of Africa are a banquet spread for feline predators. Explore the hunting and nurturing habits of lions, leopards, and cheetahs of the African Savannah, as well as the overlooked grasses that lay the foundation for the amazing array of wildlife flourishing among its leaves.
White lions are rarer than the legendary snow leopard of the Himalayas, and they occur naturally in only one place on earth, The Timbavati Reserve in South Africa. Their future as a wild species is now questionable, but people are trying to change this. Linda Tucker, head of the Global White Lion Protection Trust, a carefully planned release project is underway to see the first four white lions return to the wilds of Timbavati.
Fascinating mating and courting rituals and the ongoing struggle for survival on the African Savannahs.
This is the story of a courageous little seal who braves the ocean and all its perils - a real adventurer at heart who leaves the colony to follow one of the greatest migrations on Earth - the Sardine Run. Each year millions upon millions of sardines leave the waters off the southern tip of Africa to move en masse up the east coast of South Africa. They follow the cool winter currents for almost 1000 kilometres. For the sardines it's a perilous journey - their migration awakens a great following of formidable predators that attack from sea and air. Huge flocks of Cape gannets pursue the great shoals while thousands of dolphins strike relentlessly from the surface and hundreds of sharks mount the attack from the depths. Among the predators, there are a few adventurous seals that join this frenzied journey. To this day, what makes a seal embark on the sardine run remains a mystery.
Africa's Deadly Kingdom delves deep into the complex lives of the continent's most remarkable species and their never-ending struggles to survive.
‘n Storie van oorlewing teen alle verwagtinge in een van die wêreld se mees vyandige omgewings.
Afrika is ‘n land van reuse. Sy kragtige riviere kerf die aarde en vorm indrukwekkende valleie en waterwieë wat ‘n tuiste is vir menigte treffende en magtige inwoners. Hierdie is die riviere waar reusagtige olifante en seekoeie bly, eet en drink, en waar antieke krokodille jag en voorplant. Hulle deel die riviere met ystervarke, die breëkoparend, en die luiperd.
A Documentary of Love, Family and Future As humans continually close off their hearts and empathy - elephants are now just showing us how to truly love and forgive. The heart of the elephant is a story of wonder woven together from a tapestry of eye-witness accounts and scientific proof of these gentle giants' intelligence and undeniable emotional capacity, which is far more powerful than we ever acknowledged.
A spectacular journey into the remote African Bushveld, one of the wildest and deadliest environments on the planet and home to the titans of the African continent
The Rivers of Africa shape the lives of those who call their banks home- in the African wilderness, there can be no life without water. The continents rivers are the focal point of the dramas of the bushveld- the same river that gives life also harbours death. For the many creatures that live along Africa's rivers - the need to quench their thirst is an essential part of their lives- but rivers such as the Mara in Kenya are a barrier for animals where death comes in many guises- but each animal has their way of navigating these treacherous waters.
This is the story of three African animals that nature has repainted with extraordinary new colours. They are the Outsiders: a White Lion, a Yellow Crocodile and a White Baboon. To be born an 'outsider' is a rare and dramatic event. Animals with startlingly different colours face completely new challenges. They are not well-camouflaged for the habitat they were born into, so they must work harder to survive. This film tells their story in the innovative form of an African fable. Along the way, we'll meet a host of other fascinating characters like a pink hippo, a black leopard and even a striped cheetah!
For millions of years, herbivores and predators have competed in an arms race, and over time, they developed specialised survival techniques and super-human abilities. They can see, smell and hear with telescopic vision, advanced radar and instant wireless communication, the real bush telegraph. Sense and Scentability explore the phenomenal world of animal super-senses, looking at dramatic footage of the hunters and the hunted square off against each other in Africa's great wilderness area.
Set in the spectacular Masai Mara, Kenya, this classic film follows two of Africa's greatest big cats, the Cheetah and the Leopard, as they raise their cubs in the beautiful but often harsh natural world of Africa. Teaching their cubs to hunt and fend for themselves, we witness some spectacular events as the cubs watch and try to mimic their mothers, joining in the hunt until they reach independence.
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