Op Botswana se Linyanti-vlakte heers 'n groep broers onder die top roofdiere. Drie jagluiperds: vennote sedert geboorte, en een van die doeltreffendste jagkragte op die vlaktes.
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Op Botswana se Linyanti-vlakte heers 'n groep broers onder die top roofdiere. Drie jagluiperds: vennote sedert geboorte, en een van die doeltreffendste jagkragte op die vlaktes. Hulle jag as 'n span, met Achilles voor, en Odin en Shiva wat hom aan weerskante flankeer. Die magtige trio het hul grondgebied vir meer as vyf jaar gehou, totdat eendag tragedie toeslaan. Achilles word deur 'n kobrabyt doodgemaak, wat Odin en Shiva vir die eerste keer in hul lewens laat om vir hulself te sorg. Met die krag van drie gebreekte moet hulle vinnig aanpas: leer om as 'n tweeling te jag en hul dood te verdedig sonder die hulp van Achilles. Hulle pogings verwar 'n magdom roofdiere wat opvang: 'n beseerde luiperd, 'n slinkse hiëna en 'n slinkse swartrugjakkals. Om sake te vererger, begin 'n eensame jagluiperdman op hul grond oortree. Soos die jagluiperd-broers hul krag en doeltreffendheid herwin, word die eensame mannetjie 'n groot bekommernis. Toe hulle hom uiteindelik in die hoek steek, breek 'n bose geveg uit. Maar dan vind 'n merkwaardige transformasie plaas – in plaas daarvan om die jagluiperd dood te maak, verdra hulle hom. Dag vir dag begin die vreemdelinge mekaar geleidelik aanvaar, totdat op ’n dag – teen alle kanse – die krag van drie na die Linyanti-vlakte teruggekeer word terwyl ’n nuwe koalisie van jagluiperds uiteindelik saam jag...
Op Botswana se Linyanti-vlakte heers 'n groep broers onder die top roofdiere. Drie jagluiperds: vennote sedert geboorte, en een van die doeltreffendste jagkragte op die vlaktes. Hulle jag as 'n span, met Achilles voor, en Odin en Shiva wat hom aan weerskante flankeer. Die magtige trio het hul grondgebied vir meer as vyf jaar gehou, totdat eendag tragedie toeslaan. Achilles word deur 'n kobrabyt doodgemaak, wat Odin en Shiva vir die eerste keer in hul lewens laat om vir hulself te sorg. Met die krag van drie gebreekte moet hulle vinnig aanpas: leer om as 'n tweeling te jag en hul dood te verdedig sonder die hulp van Achilles. Hulle pogings verwar 'n magdom roofdiere wat opvang: 'n beseerde luiperd, 'n slinkse hiëna en 'n slinkse swartrugjakkals. Om sake te vererger, begin 'n eensame jagluiperdman op hul grond oortree. Soos die jagluiperd-broers hul krag en doeltreffendheid herwin, word die eensame mannetjie 'n groot bekommernis. Toe hulle hom uiteindelik in die hoek steek, breek 'n bose geveg uit. Maar dan vind 'n merkwaardige transformasie plaas – in plaas daarvan om die jagluiperd dood te maak, verdra hulle hom. Dag vir dag begin die vreemdelinge mekaar geleidelik aanvaar, totdat op ’n dag – teen alle kanse – die krag van drie na die Linyanti-vlakte teruggekeer word terwyl ’n nuwe koalisie van jagluiperds uiteindelik saam jag...
This is the story of Ella Addison, an extraordinary 12-year-old girl who swims with sharks. It is a family tradition. But something strange is happening around her Shark Rock playground. Blacktip sharks are multiplying, and tiger sharks are disappearing. Curious by nature, Ella starts a school project to solve this mystery. Usually, blacktips migrate to Shark Rock for the sardine run and then move on. But in recent years, they are staying put, which means tiger sharks are being forced out. So, where do the blacktips come from? Jessica Escobar, a feisty Columbian marine biologist, doing her doctoral thesis on blacktips, and Ella makes a formidable team. While Jessica compiles and analysis the genetic information, Ella compiles a visual diary of her dives on Shark Rock to present to her school.
The rivers of Africa bring life and abundance to their inhabitants, but they can also be the arena for some of nature's greatest challenges and dramas. Harsh seasonal cycles dictate life - and death - along the rivers. Only the fittest survive crossing the crocodile-infested Mara, the extreme drought of the Luangwa Valley or any of the many other perils harboured by waterways all over the continent. Africa's Rivers is a predator's world with cunning and opportunistic hunters of all sizes lurking in the waters or prowling the banks.
For millions of years, the annual migration in the Masai Mara has survived everything that the natural world has thrown at it. Wildebeest, Zebra and countless other species set off on this journey of enormous proportions to reach the greener grasses thousands of miles away. But the treacherous journey is filled with hardship and the ever-present threat of being ambushed by hungry predators. Crossing the Mara River will be one of the mega herds biggest challenges, with crocodiles and lions eagerly awaiting the infamous paradise crossing. It's a bloodbath like no other, and only the lucky will make it to the greener pastures on the other side.
Die wêreld se tropiese waters word bewoon deur 'n vis wat alle ander verdwerg, maar tog maak die kleinste wesens dit brandstof. Die walvishaai bestee sy lewe aan ryk opgraderings van mikroskopiese plankton. Aan die ooskus van Afrika dra die warm strome van die Indiese Oseaan 'n oënskynlik oneindige voedselvoorraad saam. Met die aanvang van die lente verlaat die sagte reuse elke jaar die ekwatoriale waters van die Seychelle en volg hierdie strome suidwaarts, op 'n merkwaardige reis, uniek in die natuur, duisende kilometers ver langs die snelweë van die oseaan. Ons verhaal volg op een walvishaai op reis na die mees suidelike punt van die kontinent om die raaisel van die walvishaai se ongelooflike reis te ontrafel.
The world's tropical waters are inhabited by a fish that dwarfs all others, yet the tiniest creatures fuel it. The whale shark spends its life pursuing rich upwellings of microscopic plankton. Off the east coast of Africa, the warm currents of the Indian Ocean carry with them a seemingly infinite supply of food. Each year, with the onset of spring, the gentle giants leave the equatorial waters of Seychelles and follow these currents southwards, on a remarkable journey, unique in nature, thousands of miles along the ocean's highways. Our story follows one whale shark on its trip to the southernmost tip of the continent to unravel the mystery of the whale shark's incredible journey.
Their precision teamwork ensures that the hunts of this cheetah family almost always results in a kill - until tragedy strikes, and Achilles, their leader, is killed by a cobra. The remaining brothers have to fend for themselves, outwit their enemies, and find a way to survive in the unforgiving African wilderness. Have they acquired the necessary skills to make it on their own?
The Aliwal Shoal off the Kwazulu-Natal south coast in South Africa is an exotic marine wilderness of outstanding beauty and one of the world's top dive sites.
At Londolozi Game Reserve they experience a close interrelationship with the animals and this is the window which allows them into the secret life of the magnificent Leopard Lula.
The Rivers of Africa shape the lives of those who call their banks home- in the African wilderness, there can be no life without water. The continents rivers are the focal point of the dramas of the bushveld- the same river that gives life also harbours death. For the many creatures that live along Africa's rivers - the need to quench their thirst is an essential part of their lives- but rivers such as the Mara in Kenya are a barrier for animals where death comes in many guises- but each animal has their way of navigating these treacherous waters.
‘n Een uur spesiale program oor die stryd van oorlewing vir ‘n bruin hyena ma en haar kleintjies in Botswana se verlate sout panne in die Makgadikgadi – ‘n unieke ekosisteem van ontneming en oorvloed, gesien deur die oë van twee jong navorsers in hulle soektog om hierdie vergete Eden te red van die invloed van die mens.
Peter Lamberti sets out to try and discover the secret lure that Wild Coast wields. He will investigate and film how Raggies, Blacktips and Tiger Sharks behave towards each other. What are their secrets, and are they really to be feared.
Hierdie is die dramatiese en indrukwekende storie van die Afrika renoster se veg vir oorlewing, nie net teen die mens nie, maar ook teen ‘n onverwagte vyand – olifante.
A spectacular journey into the remote African Bushveld, one of the wildest and deadliest environments on the planet and home to the titans of the African continent
The Marsh Pride resides in the Musiara Marsh for most of the year but may move further north into the Mara North Conservancy when the Reserve's long grass leads to a scarcity of prey. The Marsh Pride is perhaps the most famous in the Masai Mara National Reserve.
For millions of years, herbivores and predators have competed in an arms race, and over time, they developed specialised survival techniques and super-human abilities. They can see, smell and hear with telescopic vision, advanced radar and instant wireless communication, the real bush telegraph. Sense and Scentability explore the phenomenal world of animal super-senses, looking at dramatic footage of the hunters and the hunted square off against each other in Africa's great wilderness area.
In Southern Africa, one of the most significant elephant translocation projects in history is about to get underway. One thousand elephants must be moved from the overpopulated Kruger National Park in South Africa into neighbouring Mozambique and the newly created Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Park. Even the world's most experienced elephant capture crew finds the prospect overwhelming, and the project is fraught with dangers, mishaps and seriously close brushes with death. If the team succeeds, they will have contributed to creating the world's largest wildlife sanctuary and a new home for Africa's endangered elephants.
In a land reduced to sand and water, every day is a struggle for survival. But one creature has conquered these two elements: crocodiles have learned to thrive.
Ruwe duikers en matrose reis van oral oor die wêreld na die berugte Skeleton Coast, langs die gevaarlike kus van Suid Afrika en bekend vir sy skeeps wrakke, om te soek vir diamante onder die see.
Once found all over Africa, indiscriminate hunting and enthusiasm for decorative rhino-horn daggers has led to near extinction for the black rhino. Thanks to the passage of tight legislation and the rise of vigilant protection, black rhino numbers are finally rising. This film documents efforts at Tanzania's Mkomazi Game Reserve.
The Swamp Pride is on its knees. Its mighty male was killed by poachers, leaving three mothers and their cubs defenseless in one of the toughest landscapes for a lion in Africa.
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