Africa's Deadly Kingdom delves deep into the complex lives of the continent's most remarkable species and their never-ending struggles to survive.
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The Kalahari. Land of great thirst. Endless mirages of red and yellow sand merge with a shimmering horizon. Summer rains bring brief explosions of life, painting the landscape in vibrant colours, only to be soaked up by the thirsty earth and returned once again to the desert. In this place of immense beauty, wonder and contrast all that live here are gifted with unique adaptations in order to survive.
The Kalahari. Land of great thirst. Endless mirages of red and yellow sand merge with a shimmering horizon. Summer rains bring brief explosions of life, painting the landscape in vibrant colours, only to be soaked up by the thirsty earth and returned once again to the desert. In this place of immense beauty, wonder and contrast all that live here are gifted with unique adaptations in order to survive.
The Aliwal Shoal off the Kwazulu-Natal south coast in South Africa is an exotic marine wilderness of outstanding beauty and one of the world's top dive sites.
This is the story of three African animals that nature has repainted with extraordinary new colours. They are the Outsiders: a White Lion, a Yellow Crocodile and a White Baboon. To be born an 'outsider' is a rare and dramatic event. Animals with startlingly different colours face completely new challenges. They are not well-camouflaged for the habitat they were born into, so they must work harder to survive. This film tells their story in the innovative form of an African fable. Along the way, we'll meet a host of other fascinating characters like a pink hippo, a black leopard and even a striped cheetah!
‘n Een uur spesiale program oor die stryd van oorlewing vir ‘n bruin hyena ma en haar kleintjies in Botswana se verlate sout panne in die Makgadikgadi – ‘n unieke ekosisteem van ontneming en oorvloed, gesien deur die oë van twee jong navorsers in hulle soektog om hierdie vergete Eden te red van die invloed van die mens.
Whether you're a wildlife cameraman or a tourist on safari, catching nature's finest moments on camera means being at the right place at the right time.
This is the story of Ella Addison, an extraordinary 12-year-old girl who swims with sharks. It is a family tradition. But something strange is happening around her Shark Rock playground. Blacktip sharks are multiplying, and tiger sharks are disappearing. Curious by nature, Ella starts a school project to solve this mystery. Usually, blacktips migrate to Shark Rock for the sardine run and then move on. But in recent years, they are staying put, which means tiger sharks are being forced out. So, where do the blacktips come from? Jessica Escobar, a feisty Columbian marine biologist, doing her doctoral thesis on blacktips, and Ella makes a formidable team. While Jessica compiles and analysis the genetic information, Ella compiles a visual diary of her dives on Shark Rock to present to her school.
Caught in the Act brings you a selection of unbelievable scenes depicting extraordinary animal behavior, together with the emotional accounts of the filmmakers who witnessed them, that will make you rethink what you know about the natural world!
A haunting call echoes across the Liuwa Plain. There is no answer, there hasn't been for years. She has no pride, no support - she alone must safeguard her own survival. Her name is Lady Liuwa, and she is the Last Lioness.
Half-Tusk is the matriarch of a small family group of warthogs and has recently given birth to this season's litter, three tiny females. Half-Tusk has never raised an entire litter to adulthood. But past tragedy has made her strong. Three powerful enemies have killed half her brood four years in a row: through a series of powerful flashbacks, we watch the successful attacks of Lion, Leopard and Cheetah and understand what's at stake for Half-Tusk this year. This year Half-Tusk manages to foil each new attack and keep her three young daughters safe; until one night when the family is split between two different burrows, Leopard takes advantage and steals a baby away. It's one of the harsh lessons her youngsters must learn. Half-Tusk cannot be there all the time or anticipate every possible danger, and as they grow, they will have to face challenges alone. But her care and leadership have given her youngsters the best start in life. It's the gift of every good mother.
Reputed as one of Africa's deadliest animals, buffalo are one of the fiercest and most powerful members of the Big 5. Their volatile tempers and tendency to charge and gore their opponents with their enormous horns ensures that few predators will take them on. Even lions, Africa's most notorious predators, scatter before their hooves! But there is a greater threat than predators facing the buffalo herds.... Two years ago they might have gored him; now they eat out of his hands. Lindsay Hunt has wound his way deep into the buffalo world, to earn the trust of one of Africa's most fearsome beasts. In the face of devastating disease epidemics, he has devoted his life to fighting for the buffalo on every front. Lindsay Hunt is the 'Buffalo Warrior.'
Lazy relatives. Jealous neighbours. Runaway kids. The everyday troubles of one family - except this family is a pride of lions. Shot over three years during the most extreme seasonal changes in Africa, the film follows Mfumu - the pride's leader - as he struggles to defend his turf and his mate Chipazuwa as she tries to produce offspring. Among the threats is a river infested with crocodiles that have taken every litter of cubs -- and a rival male is bent on taking over the pride.
This is wildlife film making like you’ve never seen it before, and it’s just the beginning!
200km from the southernmost point of Africa, where the water is chilly and harsh, runs the Breede River. Recently, reports have been made of a massive creature living in the river. Fish are being taken off fisherman's lines - but with a curious and sickening twist. Only the bodies are taken: the heads are being left intact. The picture that sends aquatic ecologist Andy Coetzee off on the quest shows the head of large kob that has clearly had its body ripped off by something even larger. With shark hunter and expert fisherman Hennie Papenfuss at his side, Andy sets out to discover the truth behind the tales and exactly what the monster could be. Following the science and the rumours, this dramatic aquatic adventure joins Andy on a journey that follows the coastline of South Africa from north to south, and the sharks who are in turn following the fish.
Afrika is ‘n land van reuse. Sy kragtige riviere kerf die aarde en vorm indrukwekkende valleie en waterwieë wat ‘n tuiste is vir menigte treffende en magtige inwoners. Hierdie is die riviere waar reusagtige olifante en seekoeie bly, eet en drink, en waar antieke krokodille jag en voorplant. Hulle deel die riviere met ystervarke, die breëkoparend, en die luiperd.
Die riviere van Afrika bring lewe maar hulle kan ook die arena wees vir van die natuur se grootste uitdagings.
White lions are rarer than the legendary snow leopard of the Himalayas, and they occur naturally in only one place on earth, The Timbavati Reserve in South Africa. Their future as a wild species is now questionable, but people are trying to change this. Linda Tucker, head of the Global White Lion Protection Trust, a carefully planned release project is underway to see the first four white lions return to the wilds of Timbavati.
The Swamp Pride is on its knees. Its mighty male was killed by poachers, leaving three mothers and their cubs defenseless in one of the toughest landscapes for a lion in Africa.
Fascinating mating and courting rituals and the ongoing struggle for survival on the African Savannahs.
Hierdie is die dramatiese en indrukwekende storie van die Afrika renoster se veg vir oorlewing, nie net teen die mens nie, maar ook teen ‘n onverwagte vyand – olifante.
Africa's Deadly Kingdom delves deep into the complex lives of the continent's most remarkable species and their never-ending struggles to survive.
The Rivers of Africa shape the lives of those who call their banks home- in the African wilderness, there can be no life without water. The continents rivers are the focal point of the dramas of the bushveld- the same river that gives life also harbours death. For the many creatures that live along Africa's rivers - the need to quench their thirst is an essential part of their lives- but rivers such as the Mara in Kenya are a barrier for animals where death comes in many guises- but each animal has their way of navigating these treacherous waters.
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